Elton John - Pinball Wizard sheet music

Elton John has a lot of great songs that he left for us. His piece of art music is surrounding us every day, being one of the most loved artists of all time.

He is a singer, a writer, a composer, and a pianist and in his career, he has mainly collaborated with the lyricist Bernie Taupin and many other well-known artists.

Pinball Wizard is a song originally written by Pete Townshend and released on the 7th of March 1969. The original version of Pinball Wizard is performed by the English rock band The Who and it was included in their album named Tommy.

Pinball Wizard reached number 4 in the UK charts and 19 in the US, in 1969.

Looking into the free Pinball Wizard piano sheet music, the composition is made from Roger Daltrey – lead vocals, John Entwistle – bass guitar, Pete Townshend -vocals, acoustic and electric guitar, and Keith Moon – drums.

Elton John’s version of Pinball Wizard was performed in 1975 in Ken Russell’s film adaptation of the album Tommy. This version was released in 1976 and it reached number 7 in UK charts.

Pinball Wizard in Elton’s version uses a piano as the song’s centerpiece instead of the acoustic guitar from the original The Who version of it. This is also because, in the movie, John’s character is shown playing his pinball machine via a small piano keyboard. The song also features some new lyrics and musical phrases from other hits from The Who – I Can’t Explain.

For this version, Elton used his band and producer, unlike most of the soundtrack’s music.

The lyrics tell the story from the perspective of a pinball champion, who was astounded by the skills of the opera’s eponymous main character, Tommy Walker. Despite the lyrics or story that was considered to be "clumsy", Pinball Wizard had a lot of success and became very popular.

The Pinball Wizard in Elton’s version has the following band composition: Ray Cooper – tambourine and congas, Davey Johnstone – acoustic and electric guitars, Elton John – piano and vocals, Dee Murray – bass and backing vocals and Nigel Olsson- drums.

You can use the free Pinball Wizard piano sheets from our website and try playing it at your piano at home.

Piano tutorial and cover

Pinball Wizard - Elton John piano tutorial

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