Maroon 5 - Don't Wanna Know sheet music

"Don't wanna know" is a song performed by the band Maroon 5.

It got really popular and reached top chart numbers in many countries, even No. 1 in Lebabon.

The free Don't Wanna Know piano sheet music is written in the originally key of G major, but is well known that it can be easily transposed to any other key. In addition, the track is ranged for D4-C6. The score for "Don't Wanna Know" is adapted for guitar, piano and vocal.

After a short intro, the song starts with the chorus. Adam Levine is singing about a relationship that gone wrong.

These lyrics express the bad situation when the other partner gets in a new relationship, and how hard it is for the one that found out about it. It is so hard that he does not even want to know anything that is going in the new relationship, because it hurts too much.

The first verse exposes the situation where the boy is really not over the girl and he confesses it.

While in the second verse, he admits that people are telling him about his lover and her new mate, but he refuses to accept it.

The free Don't Wanna Know piano sheets have a tempo of 100 beats per minute. The song has a length of three and a half minutes.

The music video was released on October 14 2016, directed by David Dobkin. It can be considered very funny, teasing the popular game application, named Pokémon go, and for that, the band’s members and some other friends of Adam are wearing costumes of different creatures from the game.

The track will be on the upcoming sixth studio album of the band Maroon 5. The Don't Wanna Know rhythm is really loved by many people. You should play them now too.

Piano tutorial and cover

Don't Wanna Know - Maroon 5 piano tutorial

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