Jennifer Hudson - Remember the Music (Empire Season 1 OST) sheet music

The song "Remember the music" is a track performed by Jennifer Hudson and written by her alongside Mosley, Washington and Justin Bostwick.

Free piano sheet music of "Remember the Music" is composed in the originally key of Gb major. The song is arranged for instrumental solo, piano and chords.

The track belongs on the soundtrack album "Empire: Original Soundtrack from Season 1" which was conceived for the musical drama television series Empire. The series can be seen on FOX.

The track list contains eleven songs "Good Enough", "What Is Love", "No Apologies", "Keep It Movin'" , "Walk Out on Me" , "Conqueror" , "Remember the Music" , "Shake Down" , "Power of the Empire", "Nothing to Lose" and "Whatever Makes You Happy".

"Remember the Music" piano score's has it's range in Gb3-Ab5. The song is a ballad, with an emotional message of the power of the music.

Somehow Jennifer Hudson is trying to make people realize that music can make you stronger and can make you see things differently.

The first lyrics

Follow my hands

I teach you how to play

I'll be patient with you

are expressing that there can always be someone who can teach you, for example from the piano to learning how to get through hard situations in life.

She is trying to make people realize that it is alright to be wrong or to make mistakes, but what is most important is to never give up:

There always be chance that you could hit the wrong note

Everybody could laugh and make you think you won't grow

You don't ever give up, it's not the end of the world

The chorus got the main idea, that the music can be the escape from many problems, and that maybe when we feel low or we feel bad we should remember the music, listen to it and try to get over things:

You live and you learn

Even when you think that times get hard

It's temporary hurt

All you gotta do is make that call

I'll be there

The chorus is ending with the line "Remember the music".

"Remember the music" piano tabs have a tempo of 74 bpm, which can give the player a great singing rhythm.

Piano tutorial and cover

Remember the Music (Empire Season 1 OST) - Jennifer Hudson piano tutorial

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