Don McLean - American Pie sheet music

American Pie is a song written by Don McLean, an American singer, and songwriter. By his complete name, Donald McLean III, he is best known for this song.

Don is also known as "American Troubadour", "King of the Trail", named by the public.

He was born in October 1945 and has a great career over the years, being inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2004.

American Pie was certified by BMI that has reached five million airplay.

The song was released in January 1972 and it is part of the album American Pie. It has 8:33 minutes and it belongs to the Folk-Rock genre.

When released, it was number one The US hit for more than 4 weeks and topped the charts in many countries such as the UK, New Zealand, Canada, or Australia.

The famous repeated phrase "the day the music died" is known to be referring to the plane crash from 1959 that killed early rock and roll musicians, Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly.

The lyrics have a special interpretation and the meaning of the rest of the lyrics has been debated for decades, even if Don tried over and over again to explain the symbols of the lyrics.

Even though, he managed to transmit that the overall idea of the song is about the loss of innocence of the early rock and roll generation.

Looking into the free American Pie piano sheet music composition, we are going to be impressed by the simplicity and yet complexity of the instruments and what they can do.

We can find the vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, electric guitar, bass, drums, and tambourine.

American Pie had also been interpreted by many famous singers, like for example Madonna. Her version was released in March 2000 to promote the soundtrack of her movie The Next Best Thing.

The music video for American Pie was filmed in the southern United States and London and was directed by Philipp Stolzl.

Whenever you feel like playing this song on your piano at home, please check our free American Pie piano sheets on our website.

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Piano tutorial and cover

American Pie - Don McLean piano tutorial

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