John McLaughlin - Dawn sheet music

Dawn is an instrumental song by the fusion group "The Mahavishnu Orchestra", which was brought together by guitarist-songwriter John McLaughlin.

As part of their first album, "The Inner Mounting Flame", released in 1971, the song features a variety of styles and musical instruments, ranging from electric and acoustic pianos and synthesizers, to acoustic and electric guitars or the widely used violin.

Blending jazz and rock with what will be known as jazz-fusion, the group had success even since their beginning and this song is the second on the album released at C.B.S. Columbia.

We hope that you can enjoy this jazz-fusion group that helped pioneer the genre and brought us a new style with numerous Eastern, European and even Indian influences.

The song, as most of the songs on the album, is a song based on the jazz genre.

Dawn starts out as a light chamber-music kind of song, then features a more aggressive, but pleasant violin solo.

The song, however, changes the pace towards the middle, becoming more and more as a light jazz song, featuring short electric guitar solos with violin intermissions.

Composed by McLaughlin, as well as the rest of the songs on the album, it is a pleasant song to be learned on the piano.

The album is widely known as one of the best instrumental music albums of all time and it is a pity not to be tested out.

Below is listed the free piano sheet of Dawn. Grab and enjoy!

Piano tutorial and cover

Dawn - John McLaughlin piano tutorial

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