Tiffany - I Think We’re Alone Now sheet music

Almost impossible to not have heard at least once the name of Tiffany or the rhythm of I Think We’re Alone Now.

The most loved cover of the song is Tiffany’s, but I Think We’re Alone Now was originally written and composed by Ritchie Cordell and it was first released by Tommy James and the Shondells, in January 1967, as part of the album I Think We’re Alone Now.

The song had on its B-side the single Gone, Gone, Gone.

The song, originally written as a slow ballad, is part of the pop-rock music genre, has a length of 2:08 minutes, and once released, reached number 1 on the WLS Silver Dollar Survey, and stood there for five weeks.

It had amazing success at the moment of its release and is still one of the most popular songs, used in media and all over TV.

For example, the free I Think We’re Alone Now piano sheet music was used in both Ted and Ted2 movies, also in the Netflix movie – Love, Guaranteed, and in The Umbrella Academy TV series.

The most notable covers of Ritchie Cordell’s song are the ones by – Tiffany Darwish in 1987, The Rubinoos in 1977, and the one by Girls Aloud – 2006.

The story behind the lyrics of the free I Think We’re Alone Now piano sheets is about parental prohibition, and how to get away, escape and avoid such prohibition.

This message is sent from the very beginning of the song, through the first lines, which sound like:

Children behave! That's what they say when we're together. And watch how you play

The music video made for I Think We’re Alone Now was directed by Tobin and shot in multiple shopping malls located in Utah, and was featured in the 2012 movie Ted, for which it was also the soundtrack.

The composition of the song provides the nicest sound of electric keyboard, piano, drums, bass, and vocals, having a very nice and vintage feeling.

The great musicians who played these instruments are Artie Butler, Al Gorgoni, Joe Macho, Paul Griffin, and Bobby Gregg.

For romantics and not only, we managed to put at your disposal the materials you need to play I Think We’re Alone Now at your piano, so don’t be shy, even if you are alone or not.

Piano tutorial and cover

I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany piano tutorial

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