BTS - Euphoria sheet music

Euphoria is today’s song, which we wanted to offer you, so you can easily play it on your own piano at home.

The song was released by BTS, a South Korean boy band, formed out of seven members, active since 2013. They sing mainly K-pop, hip-hop, and R&B.

The free Euphoria piano sheet music was released in August 2018, as part of BTS’s album named Love Yourself: Answer, which is a compilation album.

When released, the song sold 15,000 digital copies in the US in the first week.

Its success was amazing, reaching number nineteen as the best seller upon release, and worldwide, Euphoria came in at number two for best-selling songs.

Euphoria was written by a team formed out of a lot of members, as follows: Jordan "DJ Swivel" Young, Candace Nicole Sosa, "Hitman" Bang, Supreme Boi, Adora, Melanie Fontana, and RM. The song was produced by Jordan "DJ Swivel" Young, as the sole producer.

Looking at the free Euphoria piano sheets composition, we see that the song has a length of 3:49 minutes, was released through Big Hit records and it is considered a song with future bass leanings, as Billboard declared.

The song starts with a combined part between a piano and a guitar, adding drums on the way. They used four different sounds for the drums at the beginning of Euphoria.

The aim of the composition was to make it sound like an open and bright son.

The synth string sound is the one that should send that feeling.

Euphoria was composed in the key of D major and has a tempo of 105 beats per minute.

The music video made for Euphoria incorporates scenes from the previous BTS music videos, featuring each member of the band as a character with different backgrounds and life stories.

The video was directed by Yong Seok Choi of Lumpens.

Piano tutorial and cover

Euphoria - BTS piano tutorial

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