Keane - Hamburg Song sheet music

"Hamburg Song" is a track from the English rock band Keane.

It's part of their second studio album, "Under The Iron Sea". It was recorded at Helioscentric Studios, from Rye, East Sussex, from April until August 2005 and also at The Magic Shop studios, from New York City, between October 2005 and February 2006.

It features many musical genres such as post Britpop, electronica and alternative rock.

The album sold more than 200 000 copies in just one week in the United Kingdom, topping the Albums Chart.

It was number four on Billboard Hot 200, in the United States. It contains six singles: "Try Again", "Atlantic", "A Bad Dream", "Is It Any Wonder?", "Nothing In My Way", "Crystal ball". It also includes great songs like "Broken Toy", "Let It Slide", "Put It Behind You", "A Bad Dream", "Leaving So Soon?", "The Frog Prince" and, of course, "Hamburg Song".

"Under The Iron Sea" was released on June 12, 2006 and it received positive reviews from the music critics.

It was produced by Andy Green and Keane. It has been described as a progression from their previous album, "Hopes And Fears". Throughout some songs like "Crystal Ball" and "Is It Any Wonder" you can hear effect-pedal created effects. The bonus DVD includes the videos "Recording Under The Iron Sea", "Making Of Is It Any Wonder", "Short film set to an extended version Atlantic" and "Is It Any Wonder?".

"Hamburg Song" was released along with the album.

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Hamburg Song - Keane piano tutorial

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  • 1 🎹 Version 1 - View PDF
  • 2 🎹 Version 2 - Multiple Piano Sheets Songbook - View PDF