The Beatles - In My Life sheet music

In My Life was written by our loved ones, the Beatles.

Part of the 1965 album named Rubber Soul, and mainly written by John Lennon, the song was recorded on 18th October 1965.

George Martin also had a contribution in the song, regarding the piano solo bridge part, which sounds like a harpsichord, fact that in time, inspired more pop music producers to use harpsichords in their songs.

The song is considered John’s first real major piece of work, mainly because the lyrics are also about his own life, his childhood years being described in the song.

The original lyrics were considered boring by Lennon, so he reworked the words and replaced some of the memories with a generalized meditation.

Enjoy the free In My Life piano sheets by downloading them below.

The composition of the song In My Life contains elements like rhythm guitar, harmony vocal, bass, lead guitar, drums, bells, piano, tambourine, and of course, vocals.

At the time when the song was recorded, the instruments were not all chosen yet and Lennon consulted with George Martin about this, asking him to play a piano solo, something like a Baroque sounding.

The free In My Life piano sheet music was recorded and interpreted by many artists that I am sure you know very well, for example, Rod Stewart, George Harrison, The Who, Johnny Cash even Ozzy Osbourne and Diana Krall, also in other languages like Portuguese.

The video, being very old, shows the members of the band on a scene, sometimes inside and sometimes outsides.

Each of them sings or plays an instrument.

There are also some scenes from their concerts, nice moments in their lives and careers.

It shows they were united and had a lot of fun together.

Enjoy this piece of art, Lennon always being on top of all artists in the world, and try playing it at your personal piano, with the help of our materials.

Piano tutorial and cover

In My Life - The Beatles piano tutorial

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