Frank Sinatra - Love and Marriage (Married... with Children Theme Song) sheet music

"Love and Marriage" is a song written by Sammy Cahn. The music is composed by Jimmy Van Heusen.

There are two versions of the song recorded by Frank Sinatra:

  • The first was recorded for Capitol Records on August 15th1955, and it is found on his album "This Is Sinatra!" from 1956.
  • The second version was recorded for the album "A Man and His Music" on October 11th 1965.

The piano sheet music of "Love and Marriage" is composed in the originally key of C major.

As the way the song starts, with the two lines

Love and marriage, Love and marriage

Go together like a horse and carriage

the meaning of the song can be easily understood. The song speaks about the relationship in a family, especially between the husband and wife.

"Love and Marriage" piano sheet music is ranged Ab1-A5. The voice range is B3-E5.

Between the two versions of the song, there are some differences.

For the first version, the song starts with

"Love and marriage. Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage."

The second version starts with

"Love and marriage. Love and marriage. They go together like a horse and carriage"

Also the end of the song is different for each version:

  • the first version ends with an instrumental version of "Shave and a Haircut"
  • the second version the song ends with Sinatra saying "No, sir.".

The song "Love and Marriage" has beautiful sheet music for piano and guitar.

Frank Sinatra’s version of "Love and Marriage" got a lot of popularity and won in 1956 the Emmy Award for Best Musical Contribution from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

As the tune was very musical and was well known by so many people, it was used at the advertisements for Campbell Soup, adjusting the lyrics to "Campbell's soup and sandwich". "Love and Marriage" was used for the advertisement of some breakfast cereal and some other products.

Not to forget to mention that "Love and Marriage" was the theme song for "Married... with Children".

"Love and Marriage" free piano tabs are available online. Anyone who would like to play the song can learn it in no time.

Piano tutorial and cover

Love and Marriage (Married... with Children Theme Song) - Frank Sinatra piano tutorial

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