Nat King Cole - Love Is Here To Stay sheet music

Nat King Cole, after his real name Nathaniel Adams Coles, was born in March 1919 and left us by the time of February 1965.

He was an American singer and jazz pianist, who had more than 100 hit songs on pop charts. He was also an actor in the famous movie named Broadway, and a host for an American series.

Love Is Here To Stay is one of his most loved songs by the public, part of the album named Nat King Cole Sings for Two in Love.

The song is written by Ira Gerwin and the music was composed by George Gershwin.

Love Is Here To Stay is a popular song, released in 1938 in the movie named The Goldwyn Follies, starring the actors Adolph Menjou, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, and The Ritz Brothers.

The song had a lot of success, also being used in commercials, concerts, and movies like the movie named An American in Paris, starring Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron. It has a length of 2:49 minutes and belongs to the jazz genre.

The charts performance was lovely, peaking at number 15 and number 16 in 1938, with versions by Larry Clinton and Red Novo.

It has many versions interpreted by very famous singers like for example, Dinah Washington in 1956, Frank Sinatra in 1956, Ray Charles in 1969, or Diana Ross in 1972.

The song is known and loved by many other artists and you may find a lot of beautiful interpretations from many artists over the years.

The lyrics of the free Love Is Here To Stay piano sheet music are lovely and romantic, and they are very clear about the power of love, especially for the couple given as an example in the song.

It's very clear, our love is here to stay

Not for a year but ever and a day

(…) But oh, my dear, our love is here to stay

Together we're going a long, long way.

Love Is Here To Stay is also very appreciated and got popular also because it was the last musical composition written by George Gershwin before his death in 1937.

Looking into the free Love Is Here To Stay piano sheets instrumental composition, we can find elements like piano, saxophone, clarinet, and flute.

You can try playing this piece of art at your piano at home and after that, feel welcome to come back with your feedback, as it is much appreciated. Feel free to look after any sheet you wish and if we do not have it, we will do our best to find it for you.

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Love Is Here To Stay - Nat King Cole piano tutorial

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