Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive sheet music

"Buried Alive" is the name of one of the songs belonging to Avenged Sevenfold , actually the last of their creations, the final single of a great series of fascinating songs, included on the album called "Nightmare".

A deep message buried inside some words which at the surface tend to seem no more than words. The song is great, its notes succeeding in transmitting the emotions created by the words.

Besides the beauty of the song, the components of the band planned a relevant video for the song, which now has such a powerful way to send the message. The plans were initially announced in September 2011.

Initially, Rob Zombie was desired to be the one to direct the video, but he did not agree, so they had to change their mind and choose an alternative, but it seemed he was the only person whom they would have chosen, so the video was not produced anymore. Only a lyric video was uploaded on their official YouTube channel.

Released in September 2011, after the lyric video version of the song was released one year earlier, the single was a real success, even more than expected at that moment.

Also, the name of the song was used for representing the denomination of Avenged Sevenfolds’ promotion tour of the containing album, "Nightmare" and it seemed catchy to the public opinion, gaining numerous fans all over the world.

The song combines soft vocals, hard notes and this innovative combination may be considered a plus also for the creation of a "Buried Alive" free piano sheet which deserves all the appreciation it received from the ones that felt the song.

A demo of the song was released in 2014, featuring The Rev on lead vocals and lyrics, version which was probably the initial trial of the following successful creation.

Piano tutorial and cover

Buried Alive - Avenged Sevenfold piano tutorial

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