Bastille - Pompeii sheet music

The song "Pompeii" by the band Bastille was released on the 24th of February 2013, as part of their first studio album titled "Bad Blood".

This song is the band's best performing single since they started their career.

"Pompeii" managed to reach good position in the UK and international musical charts. On the UK Singles Chart, the song managed to reach the 2nd position.

In the Australian ARIA Chart, it reached the 4th position, and on the US Billboard Hot 100, the 5th place. The song's best performance on the musical charts was recorded on the Alternative Songs chart, where it reached the first place.

The song was inspired by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which sealed the fate of the Roman town with the same name.

At the 2014 BRIT Awards, "Pompeii" was nominated for British Single of the Year.

The song's lyrics were written by Dan Smith, the band's original founder. It combines indie rock and synthpop genres, and is written as an upbeat rock song.

The music video of the song was directed by Jesse John Jenkins and produced by Tova Dann. It was filmed in Los Angeles and Palm Springs, California.

Officially, the song was released on the 20th of January 2013 on YouTube.

The song had a pretty big commercial success, both in the UK and international.

"Pompeii" reached the first place in Ireland, and the 2nd place in Italy and the UK. After being the most streamed track of 2013 in England, the track managed to break the record for Official Streaming Chart.

By January 2014, the song was sold in over 1 million copies in the US alone.

The film 2014 "Mr. Peabody & Sherman"'s film trailer and the 2013 "Need for Speed Rivals" video game also features the song on the soundtrack.

Pompeii's free piano sheet can be downloaded below. Have fun and stay tuned!

Piano tutorial and cover

Pompeii - Bastille piano tutorial

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