Enya - Evening Falls sheet music

"Evening Falls" is one of Enya’s track found on the album "Watermark".

The album was released on 19 September 1988 by Warner Music Internationally and on 10 January 1989 by Geffen Records in the United States.

The album "Watermark" was the second studio album of the singer Enya.

"Evening Falls" by Enya is "a song of a spirit traveling" according to Roma Ryan, the lyricist. The song is based on a ghost story that Roma heard. A woman kept dreaming about a particular house, until the moment she sees the house in one day.

She knocks on the door and finds out that the inhabitants are frightened when they see her. The woman asks why are they scared of her and they reply that she had haunted their house all the time, while she was dreaming about it. The musical interpretation of the story was made without retelling it word for word.

"Evening Falls" by Enya has been written with simple lyrics. This gives the listener the opportunity to envision even more wonderful images with the great music than the writer hide in it.

What is the most important is the mystery, because the song can truly be understand only if the listener is focusing deeply in the lyrics.

The piano sheet music for "Evening Falls" by Enya is composed in E minor. "Evening Falls" is scored for piano, vocal and guitar.

The song has a length of 3:48 minutes. "Evening Falls" free piano sheet music tempo is 85 bpm.

The lyrics are expressing a doubt the woman has

When the evening falls

And the daylight is fading,

From within me calls

Could it be I am sleeping?

Shortly after falling asleep she feels that she has gone away

For a moment I stray,

Then it holds me completely

Close to home - I cannot say

Close to home feeling so far away

From these lyrics we can understand that she is dreaming about that house, while she calls it "home".

The moment the woman finds the house, she recognizes the place

I am home - I know the way

I am home - feeling oh, so far away

"Evening Falls" piano score and tabs are available online, so anyone can play the song as they wish.

Piano tutorial and cover

Evening Falls - Enya piano tutorial

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