Zaz - Je Veux sheet music

It is uncertain if I say there is somebody in the world that does not start dancing at least a little beat when hearing this song.

Je Veux is a French song, written by the French singer Zaz, being part of her debut album, named Zaz. The French singer goes by her real name Isabelle Geffroy.

Released in May 2010, the song is a pop genre, and brings happiness over a little bit, and lets you in a state of mind that you always thrive for. It has a lot of elements combined in a jazz and soul style, acoustic and French.

The lyrics are amazing, joyful and full of love, especially because she says that nothing compares with Love. Not jewelry, not money, not even the Eiffel Tower.

See here in French:

Je Veux d'l'amour, d'la joie, de la bonne humeur

Ce n'est pas votre argent qui f'ra mon Bonheur

Moi j'veux crever la main sur le cœur fafalafafala allons ensemble

Découvrir ma liberté

Oubliez donc tous vos clichés

Bienvenue dans ma réalité

And also in English:

I want love, joy and cheerfulness

Your money won't buy me happiness

I just want to die with a hand on my chest

Let's go together discover my freedom

Let you forget all your stereotypes

Welcome into my reality.

Je Veux is successfully sending the message of love, no matter the other material things. No matter the circumstances, love is the most important thing for her.

Looking into the composition, we can find, besides the spirit, jazz elements, acoustic guitar, voice and contrabass.

Try playing this amazing love and joyful song at your own piano, with the help of our website. Get the Je Veux free piano sheets and let us know what you think of Zaz’s song.

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Piano tutorial and cover

Je Veux - Zaz piano tutorial

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