Aerosmith - Dream On sheet music

The song Dream On is just one out of many amazing hits that Aerosmith gave us. As you may already know, Dream On is a power ballad, from Aerosmith’s album named "Aerosmith", year 1973.

Dream On was released in June 1973 and it was written by Steven Tyler and it is considered to be Aerosmith’s first major hit in their history. Of course, it peaked first places in almost all charts, received a lot of awards and was used in movies and TV commercials. Dream On also saved the band from losing their label.

It was first played live in Connecticut, and another fact to mention is that Tyler says that Dream On was the only song from their first album in which he used his real voice.

Dream on is also very famous for building climax to showcase Tyler’s trademark screams. Steven Tyler was afraid of how his voice would sound and how well the record would do.

The climax is also palpable in the free Dream On piano sheet music.

The lyrics are also encouraging and strong, with a great message about dreaming until your dreams come true. It calls the public to sing along, through the very well-known lyrics

Sing with me, sing for the years

Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears

Sing with me, just for today

Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Dream on is composed by the following instruments: vocals, electric harpsichord, mellotron, guitar, bass and drums. The song has 4:26 minutes in its album version and it is considered hard rock and blues rock ballad.

It is an iconic hit, so please try playing at your piano, with the help of our website and don’t be a stranger, come back with a review or advice for us. Enjoy the free Dream On piano sheets and stay safe.

Piano tutorial and cover

Dream On - Aerosmith piano tutorial

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