Bjork - Come to Me sheet music

"Come to Me" is a song by trip-hop artist Bjork, a female musician known around the world for her special voice and her various knowledge of different instruments.

The song has been featured on her solo debut album, titled simply "Debut", but it is the second studio album from Bjork, having collaborated in the past with various jazz or dance bands, being one of the founders of The Sugarcubes.

The album has been released in July 1993 for the One Little Indian Records in the United Kingdom and Elektra Records in the United States.

Even if Bjork mostly writes her own songs, on this album she worked with Nellee Hooper, who previously worked with acts such as Massive Attack, Madonna and Sinead O’Connor, a female singer with a style similar to Bjork’s.

The album featured a great deal of singles, such as "Human Behaviour", "Play Dead", the popular "Big Time Sensuality", "Violently Happy" and "Venus as a Boy", yet "Come to Me" is a beautiful song as well, highly praised.

We have the free Come to Me piano sheets available for you below to further explore the work of the great artist that has been and continues to be, female singer Bjork.

With a wide range of musical styles, the album has been praised by British music critics, it’s pretty obvious that she worked with jazz musicians for the song arrangements.

Having been sold more than initially expected, the album charted at number three in the United Kingdom, only 61 in the United States, where music critics wanted more "rock music" on the album.

It is not her original style, so the complaints are pretty much unfounded, but it was her first solo album and as a newcomer, she hasn’t been seen with the best of eyes on American soil.

However, we think it is an excellent piano song, with the mellow lyrics and soft instrumentals, so we chose it as part of our sheet music database.

The song has a chill air to it and the lyrics support that, having a calming, soothing message, one of love, where the character in play seeks to help her lover relax and feel protected around her, repeating sentences like "I’ll take care of you", "I’ll catch you" and finally the title of the song, "come to me".

It is a beautiful song in its own and even if it is not one of her most popular, it is an excellent choice to get more familiar with Bjork’s style and further your skills.

We have listed below the free Come to Me piano sheet music, alongside a video tutorial to help you learn it faster. If you want more music from Bjork or have a preference of your own, use the Request button and we will respond as soon as possible.

Piano tutorial and cover

Come to Me - Bjork piano tutorial

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