Muse - Madness sheet music

The song "Madness" has been released after premiering on BBC Radio 1 in August 2012.

Being a part of Muse’s sixth album, "The Second Law", released in 2012, it has had the time to make its mark on the public and it has done so, being, alongside "Survival", "Follow Me" or "Supremacy", one of the band’s greatest songs ever created.

Having been nominated for Best Rock Song at the 2013 Grammy Awards ceremony, the song is pretty well recognized world wide. We are happy to share with you its sheet music, along with the promise that more Muse songs will follow.

Bellamy, the lead singer and pianist of Muse, actually admitted that "it’s the song he is probably most proud of on the album for sure" and, being a song influenced by unique acts like Queen, George Michael and the softness of Depeche Mode’s style, it will remain as one of Muse’s greats.

Coldplay’s Chris Martin called the song "Muse’s best song yet", while Rolling Stone Magazine ranked it the 37th best song of 2012 and the soul and R&B influences admitted even by Bellamy earns this song a place among the best alternative rock songs of the last decade.

Enjoy this piano sheet alongside the video tutorial and expect more Muse's songs if you are a true fan!

Piano tutorial and cover

Madness - Muse piano tutorial

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