Metallica - Nothing Else Matters sheet music

"Nothing Else Matters" is a song by American heavy metal and hard rock band Metallica, featured as a single on their self-titled album from 1991.

It is one of the most famous songs by the band and a fan favourite, that is played intensively live in their concerts.

"Nothing Else Matters" is written by vocalist James Hetfield, getting inspiration during a phone call with her girlfriend, the initial lyrics "so close, no matter how far" coming from their powerful relation and connection, especially when James was far and touring.

The song has been credited to Hetfield and Ulrich because, when Ulrich heard it, he insisted on featuring it on the album, even if Hetfield had no such intention initially.

The demo has been recorded in Lars Ulrich’s house and involves a guitar solo played by Hetfield instead of Hammett.

The music video got released in early 1992 and featured on MTV immediately. The video presents footage from the band’s moments of recording, but did not air during the day due to the Playboy magazines shown in the studio.

"Nothing Else Matters" has been featured on the DVD "Orgullo, Pasión y Gloria: Tres Noches en la Ciudad de México", as well as on the "Live Shit: Binge & Purge" and "The Big 4 Live from Sofia, Bulgaria". The song has also been used on the soundtrack of film "Through the Never".

Getting certified Platinum by the RIAA in countries such as Austria, Italy, Belgium and Denmark, the song has reached the top 10 on charts from Australia, Belgium, Austria, France, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Norway and even got sixth place in the United Kingdom.

"Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica is now available on the piano as well, thanks to the sheet music listed below. Enjoy it and keep tuned on BossPiano, in order to stay up to date with our latest material!

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Nothing Else Matters - Metallica piano tutorial

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